You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out for You This Weekend

You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out for You This Weekend

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You’ve Got Your Work Cut Out for You This Weekend

Motown at Churchill, a Giant Unionmade Sale and Wet Hot American Summer: The Party

By Lauren Sloss Where the rubber meets the weekend.
Talking Tiki with the King of Tiki
REQUIRED READING Talking Tiki with the King of Tiki Smuggler’s Cove. Great bar. A bar where the tiki drinks are ample and excellent. So, when you hear that the proprietor of said bar, Martin Cate, wrote a book and would like to talk to you about it tonight at Omnivore, you’ll likely think, “Rum.” Followed by, “That sounds interesting.” Good responses, both.
Churchill’s Turning Five. Bourbon and a Brass Band Ensue.
TAKE ME TO CHURCH Churchill’s Turning Five. Bourbon and a Brass Band Ensue. It’s important to support your beloved drinking establishments. Especially the ones that make you excellent Old Fashioneds. Like Churchill, which is turning five tonight and throwing itself a birthday party with a brass band, Motown DJs and drinks. The drinks may have been implied.
Many Things Are on Sale at Unionmade
STATE OF THE UNION Many Things Are on Sale at Unionmade Summer, aka September, is fast approaching. So it’s awfully convenient that Unionmade is having a huge end-of-season sale with an even huge-er selection of polos from Orlebar Brown and oxford shorts from the Hill-Side and other things you like. Assuming you like things in general.
Wet Hot American Summer: The Party
CAMP’S IN SESSION Wet Hot American Summer: The Party Maybe you’re going to Outside Lands. Maybe you’re not. Either way, you’re going to this Wet Hot American Summer–themed Outside Lands after-party. DJs and summer camp attire will be involved. So will you listening to DJs and wearing summer camp attire. It’s just how these things work.
Why You’re Going to Seven Stills on Sunday
SEVENTH HEAVEN Why You’re Going to Seven Stills on Sunday You’ll recall Seven Stills, that glorious establishment that makes whiskey from beer and opened a taproom a couple months ago. Well, they’re having a gathering this Sunday with a whole lot of music, BBQ, burgers and… whiskey made from beer. You’ve got it from here.


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