You: I wonder when we’ll finally get a Suitsupply.
Suitsupply: Hi.
Thus concludes our highly unnecessary, highly fake exchange intended to alert you to the fact that, yes, Suitsupply is now open in Union Square.
Walk up the stairs from the Maiden Lane entrance. To your right, a gentleman at a sewing machine, sewing things. To your left, a selection of sneakers and dress shoes and button-ups. Everywhere else, suits. It’s a suit place, so… suits.
Wind your way toward the back, through an oval-shaped room filled with their ready-to-wear offerings, and you’ll find yourself in the made-to-measure section. You know what to do in that section.
Elsewhere, maybe you’ll find a linen jacket for those slow summer evenings. Or a new tie for that wedding next month. Related: anything in the store can be delivered via UberRush within the hour. And they’ll have your size on file, so don’t worry about the fit.
Maybe get measured first. Then don’t worry about the fit.