How to Live the SILHO Lifestyle

How to Live the SILHO Lifestyle

Who embodied the libertine lifestyle more than the late, legendary Hugh Hefner? Just the mention of his name conjures the image of him in his iconic smoking jacket, surrounded by a bevy of alluring, scantily clad women decades his junior.

One could argue convincingly that Hefner’s work single-handedly ignited the American sexual revolution of the 60s and 70s. His unique talent lay in transforming the naked female body into a sophisticated and elegant tapestry of art.

Yet, it was never just about the allure of the female form.

Beyond the glamorous ladies, expensive cars, and high-class cigars, beyond all the glitz and glamour, there was a profound message. A message advocating for personal freedom. The belief that individuals, and consequently society, should have the freedom to choose their way of life without being bound by societal expectations or parental norms.

“Progress necessarily requires the exchange of outdated ideas for new and better ones. By keeping open all lines of communication in our culture, every new idea—no matter how seemingly perverse, improper or peculiar, has its opportunity to be considered, to be challenged and ultimately to be accepted or rejected by society as a whole or by some small part of it. This is the important advantage that a free society has over a totalitarian, for in a free exchange of ideas, the best will ultimately win out.” – Playboy’s Philosophy.

This philosophy, eloquently conveyed in the highly praised articles of his magazine, elevated Hefner to the status of an American icon. It was a legacy far surpassing the mere display of nude models.

Hugh embarked on his journey to reshape American perspectives when he left his role as a copywriter for Esquire magazine in 1952. Denied a $5 raise, he raised $8,000 from investors and founded Playboy, eventually amassing a fortune estimated at over $400 million at its zenith.

This success is distinctly American in its essence. Hef envisioned the life he desired and brought it to fruition by embodying the persona of his dreams. Others aspired to be like him and were willing to pay for a glimpse into his extraordinary lifestyle. It was a concept of pure genius. Hats off to you, Hef.

Hef passed away in 2017, leaving an estate valued at around $50 million, a significant decrease from its peak. Playboy had faced challenges for decades. Its success in challenging American Puritanism had paved the way for numerous competitors, and the advent of technology, particularly the internet, proved insurmountable for the brand.

Yet, Hef never wavered from his relaxed and carefree lifestyle.

This led me to ponder – what is the cost of living the life of an international, jetsetter?  How can someone afford to spend a week in Prague, jet off to London for the weekend, then land in Lisbon before heading to Switzerland for a ski trip? A lifestyle so perplexing that even friends and family struggle to comprehend how one possesses the time, ability, and finances to sustain it?

Coming up with the answer, helped me create five principles that I based my new venture on.  These principles govern how the lifestyle is meant to be lived. The freedom, travel, the work, the fun – are all part of the SILHO Lifestyle.

And with this we’re creating a community specifically for entertainers and entrepreneurs who live for the freedom, passion, independence, and fullness of this belief. We’re combing the work, travel, and entertainment of an exclusive lifestyle for our very unique community.

Secret Number 1: Freedom from Commitments

To live a life of constant travel, one must be unencumbered. No spouse, no kids, and a job that allows for remote work at any time. Living the SILHO Lifestyle becomes challenging with only two weeks of vacation per year or morning duties of getting kids to school.

They answer to no one but themselves.

Secret Number 2: Residing in The Middle East, Europe, or Northern Africa

To Americans, European destinations exude exoticism. However, traveling within Europe is comparable to moving between U.S. states in terms of time and expense. If you place yourself strategically in Northern Africa , Europe, or the Middle East, you can have access to the majority of three continents within a four-hour flight. Turkiye, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates, are three centrally located countries that you can use as a base location while you bounce around the region – if needed.

While the flight to Europe might be a bit costly for an American, once there, travel within the continent is surprisingly affordable. A flight from Prague to Paris costs around $70, equivalent to a week’s worth of groceries. Coupled with last-minute hotel deals or AirBnB rentals, a week’s expenses might not exceed $500.

This flexibility allows them to capitalize on last-minute opportunities and travel economically between captivating locations.

Secret Number 3: Minimal Ownership and Strategic Asset Management

Some SILHO members own properties in multiple European countries, but instead of being a financial burden, these properties support their lifestyle. How? They purchased real estate with the intention of renting it out when not in use. When in the city, they enjoy their property; when away, it generates income through renting. Property management is often outsourced at a reasonable cost. These savvy purchases turn their assets into income-generating machines, covering mortgages and expenses with surplus.

Strategic acquisitions make them profits while they live a perpetual vacation.

Secret Number 4: Tax Efficiency

Certain countries, like Portugal, offer reduced income taxes for non-habitual residents, allowing a ten-year tax exemption on income earned outside the country. Other countries, including Ireland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Andorra, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Gibraltar, and possibly more, provide similar incentives. Less tax paid means more funds for leisure.

However, Americans face tax challenges, as only two countries in the world, the USA and Eritrea, tax personal income regardless of residence. Yet, passive income from real estate and dividends enjoys tax advantages and reduced rates.

Secret Number 5: Embracing the Unconventional

What defines luxury? Is it what everyone desires, or is it something expensive, placing it beyond the reach of most people? Why do apartments in ritzy areas of London or New York City cost over $3 million? Are they genuinely superior, or are most people unimaginative in their choices?

For a discerning SILHO member of modest means, these places are too predictable. The desire is to be mysterious and distinctive. Hugh Hefner wasn’t just wealthy; he exuded style.

That’s why a SILHO member might opt for a less obvious yet amenity-rich city like Prague or Budapest for a significant part of their time. All the enjoyment at a fraction of the cost. For under 100,000 euros, one can own a sophisticated flat near the city center – an amount that might only secure a parking spot for a year or two in Manhattan.

This unconventional choice saves thousands each month, and the enchanting urban locale cloaks them in an enigmatic aura. Now they can afford those exquisite $1,000 crocodile-skin cowboy boots – a choice far more attainable than some overpriced, commonplace luxury item from Gucci.

Speaking of unique, why settle for a conventional house? Seek out an old windmill or watermill in more affordable locations and renovate it. I recently spotted an old watermill in Portugal for less than $50,000. A renovation cost of around $20,000 transforms it into a distinctive abode. When it’s time to rent it out, your property stands out from the crowd. Opting for the less obvious and less-known choice proves more rewarding when coupled with a touch of imagination.

The same unconventional mindset applies to cars. Why drive a Ferrari, Lamborghini, or Bugatti? Those are for individuals lacking independent thought who need someone to dictate what’s cool. You, on the other hand, can garner more attention for far less.

Ever heard of a Morgan Three-Wheeler? A used one from a private seller can be acquired for around $30,000 – approximately 1/60th the price of a Bugatti. A Morgan is equally luxurious but an even more attention-grabbing choice. When not in use, rent it out daily.

Avoid the obvious. The obvious is overplayed. Be rare or unique.

The same principle applies to clothing. Why opt for a luxury brand when you can acquire a bespoke suit crafted from the finest materials for a mere fraction of the cost of something from Savile Row? Visit Istanbul or Ankara, and you’ll understand what I mean.

Now, let’s delve into the financial aspect of this distinctive lifestyle. The ability to travel and indulge at will necessitates some financial backing, though perhaps not as much as one might assume. The key is to have the majority of your wealth working for you, generating income even while you sleep – a concept known as passive income.

I came across information indicating that Hefner enjoyed a monthly income ranging from $200,000 to $300,000 in his final years. However, you don’t necessarily need that much. With a monthly income in the range of $15,000 to $25,000, you can afford everything outlined in the lifestyle I described.

Imagine a life of carefree luxury, comparable to two to three times the income of an average American family. The difference is that your lifestyle doesn’t require you to endure the 6 am wake-up calls, followed by a 90-minute commute through traffic from Monday to Friday for 40 years.

Consider this: take $2 million or $2.5 million and invest it wisely in income-producing assets. The result? You may find yourself in a position where work becomes optional.

Sounds appealing, doesn’t it? Now, the question to ponder is how to initiate the process of building those assets. What stands between you and the jet-setting, international SILHO Lifestyle?

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