Host Hotel Info will Follow Paid Registration.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Here’s a few frequently asked questions about Black Girls Ride to Essence Fest:
– Who’s invited? All Female Motorcycle Riders of all levels are invited to join us for this unique riding vacation! This experience is great for new to intermediate riders. We’ll help you get prepared for the cross country journey!
– Can I bring my husband/significant other? You sure can! While our itinerary caters to women who ride, men are welcome to follow along. Simply purchase their registration and they are all set to join us!
– What if my guest only wants to do some of what’s on the itinerary? Do they still have to pay full price? Absolutely! Our pricing is based on providing female motorcycle riders with the full experience. To ensure this, we’ll only offer one package this year.
– What if I want to trailer my bike? We strongly encourage you to ride, and enjoy the full experience of a cross country motorcycle ride. We don’t have parking accommodations for trailers.
– I don’t think I can get enough time off to ride. Can I fly in and rent a bike? Sure, but those accommodations are yours to make. Our goal is to provide an excellent experience once you arrive on ground.
– What if my girls want to drive instead? Can we park at the BGR lot? We hope you can understand that our lot is reserved for BGR Motorcycle Riders, and your registration includes bike parking only. Registration DOES NOT include car parking, but car parking will be available for $30 per day with your registration band.
– What’s all included in registration?
– What’s the host hotel reservation info? Due to last year’s overwhelming response, Registered riders will receive host hotel reservation info via their eventbrite registration email. This will ensure that our rooms aren’t sold out before registered riders get a fair chance to book.
– How can I get a discount on registration? PURCHASE YOUR TICKET FROM JULY 5 – AUGUST 31, 2021 . Be sure to sign up for our BGR Biker Blast at blackgirlsride.com for updates and discount codes.
– What is the refund policy? There are No Refunds at anytime.
– I have other questions. How can I reach you? I’m always available at (310) 733-0508 or drop an email to blackgirlsridemag@gmail.com.
BGR Ride Leaders:
Louisiana Contact: Juicy J (504) 251-1397
Louisiana Contact: Tru (504) 906-0465
Ohio Contact: Squeaky (614) 989-3956
North Carolina Contact: Foxy (919)423-3268
Virginia Contact: Pepsi (804) 938-5299
Texas Contact: Lady Feisty (832) 886-3455
Georgia Contact: FeeNom (404) 441-4527
New York/New Jersey: Sandra (917) 319-1466
Alabama Contact: Blacq (256) 541-6019
Vendor / Sponsorship Contact: Porsche Taylor 310) 733-0508
Black Girls Ride Magazine is not affiliated with Essence Festival or Essence Magazine. Riders are responsible for their own travel, accomodations and insurance. These packages WILL NOT include Essence Festival concert tickets.