Dating Rule #1,522, Subsection F: Candlelit beer patios with secret alleyway entrances are mystique
Watch your step walking into Birreria Roma,
a tiny little garden of Eden, beer and pizza accessible only by secret passage, taking reservations now
in the Village.
You need to know a few things going in—like the owner. He’s pretty lax about giving his number out, and
he just wants you to make a reservation before your journey into this Christmas-light-adorned botanical
utopia goes down. The reason for these measures: the entrance. You won’t get there through sister
restaurant Pizza Roma (you’ll be met with stony Italian silence if you try). The garden has its own small
door leading to an alley on Cornelia Street, and you’ll call Andrea, the owner, to come let you in once
you’re there.
Twenty feet later, you’ll settle into some getting-to-know-you Brooklyn AMA Biondas with carbonara pies on
a 15-by-20 trellised patio.
Somewhere, they’re writing a dating rule about trellises.
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