Oh, Ricardo Montalbán.
Will your gifts to Hollywood never cease?
Here’s Rooftop Film Club, a new British export bringing Chunk, Maverick, Dr. Venkman and the rest of them to the roof of Hollywood’s Montalbán Theater—now selling tickets for August 26’s debut, The Big Lebowski.
Rooftops. They’re legendary for improving things. Like eating. And drinking. And now… high above the Walk of Fame on top of an 89-year-old Hollywood theater… watching Top Gun while feeling actual wind in your hair. And Blade Runner. And The Goonies. While eating. And drinking. (Yes, there’s a full bar. And they’re still working on the food situation, but you can probably expect a good burger.)
First, grab provisions, and rest it all at the foot of your deck chair. Take a last look at the people lining up to meet Spider-Man below you. Congratulate yourself on the choices you’ve made in life and cinema.
Then you’ll want to slip on the wireless headphones.
Looks like the Dude has something important to say.