Johnnie Walker Blue Label 750 ML


Johnnie Walker Blue Label is the rarest whisky from this world famous brand – only one in ten thousand casks makes the grade. Rich and slightly smoky, it’s made up of some very old malt and grain Scotch whiskies.

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Johnnie Walker Blue Label is the rarest whisky from this world famous brand – only one in ten thousand casks makes the grade. Rich and slightly smoky, it’s made up of some very old malt and grain Scotch whiskies.

Nose: Fragrant with good body. Notes of oak, crisp spice, dried fruit, pastries. Berry fruits, aniseed, hints of cedar, a touch of spice and citrus.

Palate: Supple and balanced. Good toffee and hints of very wistful smoke. Chocolate, hints of grass and a good hit of malt.

Finish: Floral, oaky, good length, urged on by a plume of very well-kept, highland style smoke. Dried fruit, spice, honey.

Overall: One of the ultimate premium blends, Blue Label is a legend in its own right and will continue to be.