Patron Tequila Ahumado Reposado 750ml


Discover a depth of flavor born from fire. Beginning with 100% Weber Blue agave, we craft each small batch using a unique roasting technique which sets the piñas to roast over mesquite charcoal for at least seven days in small underground stone ovens.

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Discover a depth of flavor born from fire. Beginning with 100% Weber Blue agave, we craft each small batch using a unique roasting technique which sets the piñas to roast over mesquite charcoal for at least seven days in small underground stone ovens. The finely cooked piñas are then crushed using our distinctive 100% Tahona wheel process and distilled into a complex tequila with a perfect balance of the smoky taste of Mezcal and the smooth sweetness found only in PATRÓN tequilas. Tastes smoothly sweet and smoky, woody with notes of black pepper and hints of vanilla and caramel.