It’s a Neighborhood Bar, Yes. But…

It’s a Neighborhood Bar, Yes. But…

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Space monkeys and hidden pork belly. It’s not every day you get a chance to drop those words into a conversation. Yet… Here you are, living in a world where Able and Baker and A and B Food & Co. exist. The former is a rather splendid new bar, the latter is a rather hidden Japanese kaiseki-style situation in the back, and they’re both open now in South Beach. Here’s the slideshow. About those space monkeys. Able and Baker are the two intrepid primates who flew the first successful US mission to space. So there’s that. When you walk in, the Jamaican wicker chairs and charcoal brick walls will help set a mood. The circular concrete bar serving whiskey and Japanese fried chicken will help you drink and eat those things. And the fact that Tatanka Guerrero of Sweetwater Beer Garden is heading things up will… help. There’s that back room thing going on, too. Behind a set of curtains, you’ll find a 35-seat Japanese kaiseki experience. That’s wheretwo chefs from the Crimson Sparrow in New York are lending their expertise to six-course tasting menus including anything from hamachi to Wagyu to pork belly. You don’t see what any of that has to do with monkeys, but you’ll allow it.