Call someone.
Someone you’re fond of.
Right now, just call them.
Now repeat after us…
“I heard about this place. You should come get dinner with me there. It’s called Sessanta, and
it’s a sexy Southern Italian hotel restaurant from the owner of Lure Fishbar, and it’s now open at Sixty
You got a little technical there for a minute, but we think you nailed it.
The point is, what you’re working with here is a date spot, as evidenced by tomahawk steak, roasted chicken, baked pork and whole roasted fish, all prepared for an amount
of people exactly between one and three.
If you want to see more of it and its belowdecks-meets-Fellini datiness, check out this series of slides.
And take this under advisement: arrive early for the date. Channel your best Mastroianni, but with a
you-like spin, and neglect to look at your phone while casually sipping your Marasca Wheat Sour
(cachaça, hefeweizen, sour-cherry syrup) at the marble bar.
Best to let them make the entrance.