T-shirts and beer.
Heck of a start to Labor Day you got there.
For that, you can shake the hands of Marine Layer. They’re from San Francisco. And they make what is quite possibly the softest shirt you’ll ever grace your torso with. Should your torso be so inclined, it can find them right now in Wynwood.
Once upon a bleak time, you’d have to fly out to the West Coast for this stuff. Today we’re here to say: no more. Because they’ve teleported their Californian sensibilities to a spot in Wynwood stocked with mid-century-modern chairs, wooden crates and a bunch of potted plants. Also, beer. To consume while you peruse. Nice touch.
You might be wondering, “What makes these shirts so soft? Also, what’s the meaning of life?” The answer lies in a natural fabric developed by a guy named Mike (he’s the owner) that feels like it’s seen its fair share of permanent press cycles.
That applies to the shirt question, too.
All of their items are made in small batches. So that V-neck you’re eyeing—pick up a few. Same with the plaid button-up hanging on the rack. That bright-orange bathing suit? You know what to do.
One is probably enough.